Galway NCT centre reopening Monday


NCT services are due to get underway again from Monday when Ireland enters Phase Two of the lifting of Covid-19 restrictions.

The NCT Centre in Galway City, in Doughiska, will be one 15 centres opening tomorrow as part of a “phased reopening” of services.

In the immediate future, testing will be restricted to those people who already had a test due date before March 28.

Early on in the Covid-19 crisis, the government announced a four month extension for NCT certificates and drivers licences which were due to expire after the lockdown came into effect.

This will include vehicle owners who were unable to secure a retest date because of the suspension of the service and those affected by the vehicle lifts issue.

All of the centres reopening next week are confirmed to have functioning lifts.

As part of the new restrictions tests must be booked and paid for in advance, no cash will be accepted in store.

Social distancing controls will be in place including notices posted both internally and externally around the test centre and physical distancing floor markers.

NCTS has made some progress in repairing and replacing the vehicle inspection lifts in test centres and this will continue in the coming weeks.

It is currently expected that all centres will have functioning lifts by the middle of July.