Call for full report on cost of converting Martin Roundabout

Galway Daily traffic Call for full report on cost of converting Martin Roundabout

A full financial breakdown should be provided of the money spent converting the Martin Roundabout to a signalised junction.

City Councillor Alan Cheevers requested a full financial report on the project, with a breakdown of its costs, at a recent meeting of the city council.

“At the end of the day this is taxpayers money,” Alan Cheevers said. “This construction project was supposed to be finished last August we are now six months over the end date.”

In a recent update, the city council said that it is now expected that the signalised junction will be completed by April.

The work will convert the existing Martin roundabout to a 4-arm traffic light controlled junction, along with other upgrades.

These will include the provision of cycle lanes, bus priority measures, footpaths and associated landscaping.

What was most concerning to Cllr Cheevers was the fact that the contract issued for the project contained no penalty clause.

“So, effectively, what we have done is given the contractor an open cheque book, which is concerning.”

Cllr Cheevers said that he believes the project will go over its original €5 million budget, and emphasised that this situation should not recur in any future contracts issued.

The financial report on the Martin Roundabout/Junction project is expected to be ready within two weeks.