An Bord Pleanála green lights Galway City Ring Road

Galway Daily news "Irrational" to build roads in climate crisis says group challenging Ring Road

An Bord Pleanála has given the green light for the Galway City Ring Road, after many delays to the project.

The 18km dual carriageway bypass of Galway City will connect the M6 near the Coolagh Roundabout with Barna.

The €600 project will involve building a new bridge over the Corrib, as well as multiple tunnel sections.

There have been multiple delays by An Bord Pleanála in delivering a decision on the ring road since oral hearings were interrupted by the pandemic last year.

There are 54 homes which are to be completely CPO’d to make way for the new road.

Planning permission for the bypass was granted by An Bord Pleanála with six conditions attached.