Water mains replacement to disrupt traffic

Galway Daily news Water outages in Athenry on Tuesday

Traffic disruptions are expected in the Costelloe area for a number of weeks as Irish Water is carrying out works in the area.

Irish Water is replacing more 200m of old damaged water mains along the R343 between Casla and the Leitir Móir junction.

The works are due to get underway this week, and Irish Water says that they will be completed by June.

To facilitate these works, traffic management measures such as a Stop & Go system may be in use at times.

Local and emergency access will be maintained at all times.

Gerry O’Donnell of Irish Water said that these works will improve the reliability of the water supply for the local community.

“Irish Water is committed to providing a safe, secure and sustainable source of drinking water for our customers and this important project will have significant long-term benefits for the area.”

Some short-term water interruptions may also occur while works are taking place.