Upper Salthill Road closing this weekend for Red Bull Showrun

Galway Daily news road closure

Traffic in Galway City will be affected by a road closure in Salthill on Sunday for the F1 Galway Red Bull Showrun.

The Upper Salthill Road – from the Blackrock Diving Tower to Darcy Roundabout at Seapoint – will be closed to all road users and pedestrians along the Promenade from 3pm until 10pm on Sunday, November 17.

Galway City Council has made an order to close the road and pathways to facilitate the ‘F1 Galway Red Bull Showrun’.

There will be diversions in place via Kingston Road, Taylor’s Hill, the Crescent and Fr Griffin Avenue during this time.

Alternative routes for traffic will be via signposted diversion routes.

Access to the cordoned area in Salthill will be restricted to residents and authorised personnel only.

An Garda Síochána at Salthill-Bóthar na Trá have advised there will be limited parking in the area, so patrons attending are asked to park in available parking areas in the city centre and to walk or utilise public transport to the venue.

Motorists are reminded to park responsibly and not to block roads or access to houses.