Gardaí carrying out major speeding operation today

galway daily news Galway driver among worst speeding offences caught over Bank Holiday weekend

Gardaí are carrying out a nationwide anti speeding traffic operation today as part of ‘Slow Down Day’, which aims to reduce the number of crashes.

The aim of the day long operation is to remind drivers of the dangers of speeding, and increase compliance with the speed limits.

Speeding has been frequently highlighted as a major contributor to crashes, with an RSA report finding that almost a third of fatal collisions from 2008 to 2012 had speed as a significant factor.

The higher the speed, the greater the likelihood is of a collision happening and the more severe the outcome of that crash.

Chief Superintendent Michael Hennebry said “Firstly I would like to thank the majority of those who travel within the speed limits.”

“However, our enforcement operations continue to detect motorists traveling at speeds significantly above the posted speed limits.”

“This reckless behaviour poses a serious risk not just to the motorists themselves, but to all the road users, especially vulnerable pedestrians and cyclists.”

Sam Waide, CEO of the Road Safety Authority said that their studies have found that 52% of drivers were speeding on urban roads, and over a quarter were speeding on country roads.

“This National Slow Down Day, and indeed every day, please remember the faster you drive, the more likely you are to crash which could result in death or serious injury.”

“Slow down – drive at a speed that is appropriate to the conditions and your experience and remember a speed limit is not a target.”

For ‘Slow Down Day’ Gardaí will be carrying out a 24 hour speed enforcement operation around the country, from 7am Tuesday to 7am Wednesday.

The operation will consist of high visibility speed enforcement in 1,322 designated zones.