Three weeks of motorway roadworks begin tomorrow

Galway Daily news Traffic disruption expected from Galway City centre roadworks

Roadworks on the M17 motorway expected to last for three weeks will get underway on Monday.

Single lane closures on the southbound lane of the M17 motorway between Annagh Hill (Junction 19) and Rathmorrisey Interchange (Junction 18) are planned foe the duration of the works.

The hard-shoulder and Lane 1 will be closed to facilitate new drainage works (between marker posts S 8.0 and S 7.5).

The lane closure will be in effect between 6am and 6pm from Monday, October 1 through to Friday, October 18 according to the county council.

The M17-M18 motorway operator, “DirectRoute”, have said that the works will have a minimal impact on journey times and that traffic management measures will be removed at weekends.