Third Mum Talks event to take place in Galway city

galway daily news mum talks

The third Mum Talks Galway Meet Up event will take place on Monday 14 November in the g Hotel in Galway city from 10am to 11.30am.

The Mum Talks community supports and inspires women throughout their journey of motherhood with meet-ups, events, talks and workshops.

There will be three guest speakers on the morning covering an array of topics all focused on the mum and the journey of motherhood.

On the panel for the upcoming event are The Navigation Coach Tara Rafter, journalist and author Edel Coffey and nutritionist Sinead Bradbury.

Mothers will be welcomed into a comfortable and friendly environment, and they are welcome to bring their babies, to come with friends or on their own.

Joanna Cluskey, Mum Talks Galway Ambassador, said that mothers are sure to meet like-minded, friendly faces all going through the same journey.

“On the morning you will love listening to our panel of speakers while enjoying a yummy breakfast with copious amounts of tea and coffee! We guarantee when you leave you will feel uplifted, inspired and empowered,” she said.

There is also a Mum Talks Meet Up taking place in Dublin, Café en Seine on Friday the 11th November.

Attendees will enjoy a delicious breakfast, meet other new mums and listen to three inspiring speakers: psychologist, Dr Rebecca Quinn; TV presenter, Anna Daly; and pre and postnatal personal trainer, Georgy Dillon.

Further details for all events and tickets can be found on Mum Talks Instagram @Mum_Talks and Mum Talks website.