Tech giants raise €40,000 for Galway Simon Community

Galway Daily news Tech giants raise €40k for Galway Simon Community

A group of tech giants based in Galway city have raised almost €40,000 to help the Galway Simon Community’s fight against homelessness this year.

Hewlett Packard Enterprise, DXC & Micro Focus, along with their facilities partner ISS, have raised €39,604 in the past seven month for their charity partner Galway Simon.

mong other projects, one of the key practical goals from the partnership is to raise €60,000 which will go towards Galway Simon’s ‘Journey Home Fund’ to fit out 12 houses and apartments in 2020.

The fund will create new homes for approximately 30 individuals and children in Galway who would otherwise be facing homelessness.

The money raised so far this year has come from a number of fundraising events including an executive car wash, golf day, and solstice sleep out.

Louise Gallagher of HPE, Chairperson of the Charity Partnership Committee explained their motivation behind the partnership and what they have coming up next.

“We are delighted to have passed the half way mark already and we are well on our way to raising €60,000 for Galway Simon by the end of the year.”

“It’s been amazing to see the four companies, and employees from each, coming together as a community to help make a difference for those who turn to Galway Simon Community for help.”

Their next fundraising initiative is Galway’s first ‘Tech’s Got Talent’ which is taking place on Friday, November 1 at the Galway Bay Hotel in conjunction with ITAG (The Information Technology Association of Galway).

The variety show will see 20 acts battle it out in front of a panel of judges and live audience in the hope of being crowned winner 2019.

“Our aim is to make a big impact on homelessness locally through our partnership,” Louise said.

To register an act or to purchase tickets for the event, click here.