Tea Day raises over €24,000 for Western Alzheimers

Galway daily news strike called off

The annual Tea Morning in aid of Western Alzheimer’s was held at the Galway Golf Club
last Wednesday November 20.

Over 250 locals attended the event which boasted a magical festive atmosphere, fabulous Christmas Shop, mouthwatering cakes and bakes as well as a live piano recital throughout the event.

The Tea Morning is an annual highlight in the area and goes from strength to strength raising much needed funds for Western Alzheimer’s who provide care and support for people living with Dementia in Galway, Mayo & Roscommon.

The event organising committee put in huge effort ahead of the event with countless hours of planning, ticket selling, prize sourcing for the Super Draw which included hotel stays, TVs, hampers and much more.

The highly sought after Christmas Shop saw a range of donated gifting items for sale from crystal vases to tea sets, candles and jewellery, to cute teddy bears, puzzles and much more.

The selection did not disappoint with many people delighted with their bargains ahead of the festive season.

“Thank you to Raymond Donnellan of iSupply Printing for printed materials donated to
the event. Thank you to all the sponsors who gave prizes, sold tickets and donated
products to sell at the Christmas Shop,” a spokesperson for Western Alzheimers said.

“Special thanks to significant donors who provided prizes for the Super Draw. Thank you to within the Village, Self Catering Accommodation, Simon Heaslip of the Roisin Dubh, Paul Grealish of the Kings Head Bistro, Renvyle House Hotel, Dubarry Leather Goods, Peter Murphy Electrical and Mor Oil.”

“Thank you also to Smyths Toys, Galway Bay Hotel, Carey Developments, Colm’s Pharmacy, Gourmet Tart Company, Centra Salthill, Madden Flowers, David Mortimer of Pro Shop, Owl Tree, Dunnes Stores, Noel Grealish, Atlantic Technological University, Scotty’s Famous Burgers & Wings, Dangan House Garden Centre, Omniplex Galway, Ukranian Group Rockbarton Park Hotel, Ice House Ballina, Foxford Woollen Mills, Salthill Hotel and more who all supported the event.”

Special thanks were also given to the organising committee for the fundraising event, which includes

A cheque for €24,600 was presented to Western Alzheimers, but the committee has confirmed that the final amount of money raised will be higher than that.

“Thank you to Gabriel Cooke and all the team at Galway Golf Club for your hospitality,
patience and professionalism in the planning and running of the event.”

Western Alzheimer’s is a charity organization founded in 1996. It provides care and
advisory services in the community for people and families living with Dementia.

Services are offered in centers across Galway, Roscommon & Mayo.