Sunny forecast prompts road safety warning for pedestrians

Galway Daily weather Galway weather: Damp start on Monday, but mostly dry week ahead

With more fine weather forecast, and going for a walk near your home one of the few times people are allowed out, Galway County Council has issued a road safety warning for pedestrians.

The council’s Road Safety Together Committee has put together advice for people who are enjoying the arrival of the sun in one of the few ways they can in the coming days.

Due to restrictions put in place to combat the spread of the coronavirus, one of the few reasons that people are allowed to leave their home is to take exercise within 2km of where they live.

This means that there are more people than ever out walking country roads, and an abundance of caution would be well advised to stay safe, even with fewer cars on the roads.

The county council’s advice for the public in this road safety message is:

  1. Walk on the right hand side of the road, facing on-coming traffic and keeping as close as possible to the grass margin. This way you can see traffic coming towards you and take evasive action if required. Use a footpath where provided.
  2. Wear a reflective vest or armbands – this will help you to be seen by drivers.
  3. Make sure the route you use is the safest.
  4. Walk no more than two abreast and if the road is narrow or there is heavy traffic, walk in single file.
  5. Never cross at a bend and don’t try to cross the road between parked cars.
  6. STOP, LOOK, and LISTEN – always put the SAFE CROSS CODE into practice.
  7. REMEMBER – Be Safe, Be Seen – the Secret to Survival is to be Seen