Status yellow weather warning issued for Galway

Galway Daily weather Rough weekend forecast as weather warning issued by Met Eireann

A status yellow weather warning for high winds has been issued by Met Eireann, and will be in place in Galway overnight.

Met Eireann has issued a weather warning this evening covering Galway, Mayo, Donegal, and Kerry.

“Southerly winds will reach mean speeds of 50 to 65 km/h with occasional gusts of 90 to 100 km/h,” the weather alert states.

The warning will come into effect at midnight tonight, and will remain in place until 8am on Monday morning.

This is one of two weather warnings issued by Met Eireann today, with a separate wind alert covering Wexford, Cork, and Waterford.

That alert will be in place from 3am until 11am on Monday, with similar winds expected.

Temperatures in Galway tonight will average 8 – 10°c with moderate southerly winds.