From Connemara? Sinn Féin is looking for you

sinn fein looking for connemara people

Sinn Féin wants to hear from the people of Connemara in relation to the Irish language, Gaeltacht and community development issues.

A public meeting, hosted by Peadar Tóibín TD & Senator Trevor O Clochartaigh, will take place this Friday, 27th October in An Crompán Community Centre in Carraroe.

Information gathered will help to develop Sinn Féin’s Irish language and Gaeltacht policy.

The party’s Irish Language and Gaeltacht spokesperson, Trevor Ó Clochartaigh said that we are at a ‘crucial time’ in relation to the Irish Language and the Gaeltacht.

“The language planning process is in chaos, we have a crisis in the number of native speakers, we have severe rural depopulation in remote areas and a lack of employment, while the state foists new policies on communities without the requisite supports and resources being provided.

“Sinn Féin want to hear from the community on these questions and other issues, including  the role of Údarás na Gaeltachta, what essential services are needed most urgently, supports for Irish speaking families and the development of Irish medium education in the Gaeltacht,” Senator Ó Clochartaigh said.

They will also be holding a series of meetings during the day with the Department of the Gaeltacht, Údarás na Gaeltachta, the Language Commissioner, TG4, Raidió na Gaeltachta, the Co-operatives and community development companies, Comhar Naíonraí na Gaeltachta and Tuismitheoirí na Gaeltachta.

“At 7pm in the evening at An Crompán Community Centre, on the Industrial Estate in Carraroe, we will be asking the people of the area for their opinions. All are welcome to attend that meeting.

“We will use the information we gather to help strengthen and further develop Sinn Féin’s Irish language and Gaeltacht policy, as well as keeping pressure on the state to live up to its obligations in this regard as well,” he added.