Minister Seán Kyne announces funding for AEC Officers

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Minister Seán Kyne has announced co-funding for Atlantic Economic Corridor Officers in local authorities.

The Galway West TD confirmed funding of €300,000 for each of the ten local authorities along the Atlantic Economic Corridor.

The funding of €30,000 per local authority is to support the designation of an Atlantic Economic Corridor (AEC) officer in each of the City and County Councils.

The officers, who will be funded jointly by the Department and each local authority, will work to develop the AEC concept and support the work of the AEC Taskforce and sub groups.

The objective of the AEC initiative is to maximise the infrastructure, talent and enterprise assets along the western seaboard and to combine the economic hubs, clusters and catchments of an area to attract investment, improve competitiveness, support job creation and contribute to an improved quality of life.

Minister Kyne commented: “Working with my colleague, Minister Michael Ring TD, I am delighted to be able to support the City and County Councils to designate an Atlantic Economic Corridor Officer in each of their local authorities.

“The concept of an AEC Officer is based on the successful appointment of Broadband Officers in every City and County Council in the country, which my Department has also co-funded.

“I am confident that the AEC Officers will play a similar role  and will help to develop and promote the AEC initiative while supporting the work of the AEC Taskforce and sub groups.

“The development of the Atlantic Economic Corridor is central to both the Northern and Western Region and the Southern Region and features prominently in both the National Planning Framework and the National Development Plan. With the AEC we are working with stakeholders to develop the strengths and assets of our communities along the Atlantic Coast to contribute to the regional development objectives of the National Planning Framework.

“The development of the AEC is a clear signal of the intent of Government to support regional and rural development and builds on the work to date including the creation of a dedicated Government Department for Rural Development and the allocation, as part of Project Ireland 2040 and confirmed by my colleague, Michael Ring, of the new €1 billion Rural Regeneration and Development Fund.”

The ten local authorities which have been confirmed funding are: Donegal County Council, Leitrim County Council, Sligo County Council, Roscommon County Council, Mayo County Council, Galway County Council, Galway City Council, Clare County Council, Limerick City and County Council, Kerry County Council.