Scientists to battle it out on stage at FameLab Galway

Galway Daily arts Over the Edge returns after summer break

Scientists and science enthusiasts will take to the stage to fight for their topic of choice next week at the Galway FameLab competition.

FameLab is a worldwide comepetition where anyone is given the chance to get on stage and explain their research, or any scientific concept.

The trick is they have just three minutes to explain it as simply and
charismatically as possible for the judges and the crowd.

Competitors in the Galway regional heats are tackling a huge range of topics across every field imaginable.

Hear the science behind Rock and Roll, The Right Hand Rule, and one brave soul is even going to try and explain what the hell Blockchain is.

To help illustrate their stories anyone taking part are only allowed to use what they can carry on stage with them.

Following on from their presentations the competitors will face three minutes of questioning from the judges.

The regional competition will be held at An Taibhdhearc Theatre at 7pm on Thursday, February 21 and is free for all. 

Two winners will be chosen on the night and go on to compete in the FameLab national finals taking place in the Science Gallery in Dublin on Thursday, April 11.

The overall national winner from Ireland will attend the Cheltenham Science Festival in the UK this June compete in the FAMELAB International finals.

The evening will be hosted by Professor Michel Destrade, Chair of Applied Mathematics at NUI Galway, previous winner of FameLab Galway and runner up of FameLab Ireland 2016.

The judges at this year’s FameLab Galway are Paul Fahy, Artistic Director of the Galway International Arts Festival; Laura Rigney, Director of Brigit’s Garden; Laoise McNamara, Professor of Biomedical Engineering and Principal Investigator, NUI Galway; and Brenda Romero, Game designer, artist and Fulbright recipient, Romero Games.

Entertainment during the interval will be provided by Ana Panigassi, winner of FameLab Galway 2017 and comedy performer at Bright Club.

To attend just book your free ticket online here.