BT Ireland is searching for the next generation of young scientists in Ireland, with applications now officially open for the Primary Science Fair.
The Primary Science fair will run alongside the 60th BTYSTE and takes place in early January 2024 in Dublin.
Third to sixth class students are encouraged to come together and turn their curiosity into projects for the opportunity to represent their school at the 2024 Primary Science Fair.
Class sizes of up to 30 students are eligible to enter and schools must submit their entries by Monday, October 23 at 5pm.
The projects can explore a wide range of interesting scientific areas from living things, environmental awareness and care, energy forces to the make-up of materials.
If more than one of these areas interest students, the good news is schools can enter multiple times.
Participating schools will find out in November if they will be showcasing their projects at the Primary Science Fair in January 2023.
Speaking ahead of the BTYSTE 2024 deadline, Mari Cahalane, head of the BTYSTE, said that the Primary Science Fair is an opportunity for curious young minds to explore and participate in the world of science in a fun way.
“At BT Ireland, it is our mission to give young people the opportunity to explore the wonders of science, and welcome some of the brightest young minds of tomorrow to the Primary Science Fair in Dublin this January,” said Mari.
For more information on the Primary Science Fair at BTYSTE 2024, visit https://btyoungscientist.com/the-primary-science-fair-at-btyste/