RSA experts to check child car seats at two locations in Galway

galway daily car seat rsa

RSA experts will check child car seats and restraints free of charge at two locations in Galway this month, as part of their campaign to check 10,000 child car seats every year.

They want to ensure that children are using the right car seat for their height and weight, and make of car,  that these seats are fitted correctly.

The RSA’s team will fix any incorrectly fitted seats and restraints, show parents how to do it themselves and answer any queries they have.

They say that it takes just a few minutes, so you don’t need an appointment and it is open to all makes and models of cars and child car seats.

Though the two Galway events are unconfirmed, the events are scheduled for later this month, at SuperValu, Church Street, Gort on Thursday 22 February, between 10am and 5:30pm, and SuperValu, Athenry Road, Loughrea, Friday 23 February from 10am to 5:30pm.