Roadworks to improve sightlines at dangerous Adrahan junction

Galway daily news Three weeks of N84 roadworks begin Monday

Roadworks are expected to get underway in the coming days to improve the sightlines at a risky junction outside Ardrahan.

Loughrea District County Councillor PJ Murphy has said that funding has been secured through the Community Involvement Scheme for roadworks at “The Hunting Gate” junction at Cregclare, Adrahan.

“This junction is currently very blind for traffic coming from the Cahirtrim road,” Councillor Murphy said.

He added that, “It is virtually impossible to see traffic approaching from the Craughwell side when stopped at the Junction.”

Work is expected to begin on this project shortly, and will involve improving sightlines and moving back stone walls on either side of the junction.

Councillor Murphy added that numerous people have contacted him about the condition of the Cahertrim Road surface, and said that funding has been made available to completely resurface this road in the new year.