Road widening to reduce traffic at Parkmore to begin on Monday

galway daily roadworks parkmore

The next phase of the works at Parkmore will commence on Monday 12 February, with the provision of a second traffic lane on the Parkmore West road approach to the Parkmore Road roundabout.

This additional lane will be 330m long from the roundabout and fronting the adjacent Medtronic and Merit facilities in the Galway Technology Park.

Traffic surveys have shown that during the 3pm to 6pm period, 39% of traffic from Parkmore West turn left towards the Tuam Road and this additional 330m long lane will provide a reduced exit time for road users during this peak flow period.

The work will require road widening onto the frontage of Merit and Medtronic facilities to provide an additional traffic lane and footpath as well as associated accommodation works, services and street lighting modifications.

The works will begin on Monday, during school mid-term break and will be completed by the end of the Easter break in April.

They will be undertaken so as to minimise disruption to traffic flows. No traffic restrictions will be permitted during morning and afternoon/evening shift change periods.

This additional phase of works in conjunction with improvements delivered in 2017 have help in alleviating overall congestion in the area and to reduce journey times to the Parkmore Business and IDA Parks.

Galway City Council says it will continue to work with the PTAG Committee and in conjunction with Galway County Council, the National Transport Authority, Transport Infrastructure Ireland and the IDA in delivering further access improvements to the Parkmore Business and IDA Parks