RNLI launches Mayday fundraising appeal

Galway Daily news RNLI launches Mayday fundraising appeal

Although the majority of people are staying home for now, lifeboat crews for the RNLI are still on call 24/7, whether helping boats in distress or carrying out medical evacuations from the islands.

To help keep their lifesaving services afloat at this time, the RNLI has launched its online Mayday fundraising appeal.

Mayday normally sees people taking part in public events to raise money for the RNLI around Ireland and the UK.

But, as with all other charities that have been affected by the coronavirus public restrictions, they are having to adapt to new ways to receive public support.

Following the success of the charity’s recent Facebook Live Water Safety Wednesdays and Virtual Pub Quiz, the RNLI will be running a ‘Step it for Mayday’ challenge.

This will encourage people to take part in a daily step challenge, whether it be laps around the house, a hike up the stairs or a stroll through the garden.

Supporters can choose a variety of different targets, depending on their ability.

As an alternative, the RNLI is also challenging the public to ditch their favourite tipple, cups of coffee or cans of fizzy and only drink water for ten days – a lockdown detox!

Supporters can either gain sponsorship or donate the money they would have spent on alcohol or coffee over the ten days.

RNLI Fundraising, Marketing and Media Director, Jayne George, says “Our Mayday fundraising campaign is a vital event in the RNLI calendar, and given the current situation it is more important than ever.”

“For years, our fantastic fundraisers have given their time and energy in May to help out our lifesavers.”

“But the welfare of our volunteers, staff and supporters is our priority, and the usual range of activities are now impossible. So this year, Mayday will look a bit different.”

“While many fundraising events and gatherings have been cancelled, our brave lifeboat volunteers are still responding to their pagers and launching in lockdown.

“So, we are encouraging our supporters to take on fundraising challenges at home. That way they will be able to help protect our lifesavers, while also keeping themselves and others safe.”