RNLI and Coast Guard issued joint advice for people hitting the beach

Galway daily news RNLI and Coast Guard issued joint advice for people hitting the beach

The Irish Coast Guard and RNLI have jointly issued advice for anyone travelling to the coast during the coronavirus outbreak to keep them others safe.

As people are being urged to stay in as much as possible and practice social distancing during the coronavirus pandemic, a trip to the coast is becoming a highly attractive way for people to get some fresh air and stretch their legs.

Gareth Morrison, RNLI Head of Water Safety, said “Our beaches and coastal areas may see an increase in visitors in the days and weeks to come, so we’re urging everyone to follow our advice and stay safe.”

“As with all public places we’d encourage people to follow guidelines provided by the government to maintain a two-metre distance, follow good hygiene practices and avoid mass gatherings.”

“During these unprecedented times, we have taken steps to close our lifeboat stations and shops to the public.

“However RNLI lifeboats and stations remain fully operational and we will still launch to those in peril on the sea.”

Coastal areas can also present dangers of their own and the two organisations are asking people to ensure they follow essential water safety advice.

Take time to note the signage at the approaches to beaches and walkways  advising of the local hazards. Check tide times to avoid being cut off and weather conditions before setting out.

If you see someone in difficulty, or suspect  they are in difficulty or you get into difficulty yourself, please call 112 or 999 and ask for the Coast Guard.

The advice for people exercising on or near the water is as follows:

  • Take care if walking near cliffs – know your route
  • Check tide times daily
  • If going afloat, carry a means for calling for help and always wear a lifejacket and carry a  radio VHF.
  • Check your equipment is in good working order
  • Be aware of the conditions and your capabilities and only enter the water if it is safe to do so

Gerard O’Flynn, Irish Coast Guard added: “Please refer to the HSE website for public health information, pay particular attention to guidelines on social distancing including when out and about and as always if you are on the coast or cliffs – Stay Back – Stay High – Stay Dry”