Restructuring Health Service will transform healthcare

Galway Daily news Medical devices conference in Galway

The restructuring of the health service announced by Minister for Health Simon Harris this week will transform the way we deliver healthcare, a Galway TD has said.

Minister Ciaran Cannon made these comments following his colleague’s announcement that six new regional health areas will be established.

The Galway East TD said: “This is a key step in delivering Sláintecare and is another step towards a vital reform of our health service.

“The announcement is not change for change’s sake.

“This will result in clear financial and performance accountability. It will empower frontline staff and devolve authority from the HSE to the local regions,” he said.

Minister Cannon added that these proposals will help shape the future of healthcare in this country and will give the staff, and more importantly, communities a greater role in the delivery of health.

He said that nobody believes the HSE can continue in the way that it is, and that less bureaucracy and more accountability is needed.

“It is important Slaintecare continues to engage with key stakeholders, including the public, patients and staff as part of this process and Minister Harris has confirmed to me that will be the case.”