Repair works ongoing at Gort Water Treatment Plant

Galway Daily news Water outages in Athenry on Tuesday

Work is ongoing to repair and upgrade the water treatment plant at Gort, more than two months after a Boil Water Notice was issued.

Irish Water issued a Boil Water Notice for approximately 2,800 homes on the Gort Public Water supply on February 2 of this year.

Since then, some specialist repair works and replacements of filters have been carried out at the treatment plant.

A new reservoir is also being constructed there, according to Rónan Daly of Irish Water, which is expected to be completed in a matter of weeks.

“We have replaced the damaged filter along with all pipework, nozzles and gravel/sand filters. To reduce the risk of this problem re-occurring, the mechanism has also now been replaced in the second filter unit.”

“Specialist contractors and materials were required to undertake this work. Both filters are now in operation and we are currently finalising works, including linking to an automatic alarm system.”

“A separate contract to construct a new treated water reservoir at Gort Water Treatment Plant is currently nearing completion and we hope to have both new systems in pace in the coming weeks.”

He acknowledged the frustration that this has caused people living in the Gort community.

Rónan Daly said that Irish Water is working to address the issues at the plant “both in the short and long term”.

They aim to life the now fourteen week old Boil Water Notice “as early as it is safe to do so”, he added.

Water must be boiled for drinking, drinks made with water, preparation of food not cooked prior to eating, brushing teeth, or making ice.

However, the water supply is still suitable for hygiene purposes, such as showering and hand-washing.