Five weeks of roadworks near Loughrea to get underway on Monday

Galway Daily news Some traffic disruption is expected at the Galway-Roscommon county line today near Mountbellew due to roadworks taking place

Roadworks near Loughrea will get underway next Monday and may cause traffic delays for five weeks while taking place.

A section of the L4213 at Rafarn, Loughrea will be closed for five weeks to allow roadworks to take place from Monday, April 8 according to the county council.

A spokesperson for Galway County Council said “In order to facilitate these works a temporary traffic diversion will be in operation on the section of the L4213 in question between from Monday April 8th 2019 until Friday May 10th 2019, and as a consequence users of this road are requested to expect delays and as such should allow additional time for their journeys.’’

The contract for the Surface Water Upgrade Works was awarded to the Laurencetown based company Kenny Civils and Plant Ltd.