Radical anti-abortion protesters target Galway city medical centre today

Galway Daily news Calls for exclusion zones after anti-abortion protest at Galway clinic

Anti-abortion protesters have targeted a medical centre in Galway, holding signs which read ‘real doctors don’t terminate their patients’.

The protesters stood outside the Galvia West Medical Centre throughout this morning, before leaving at around lunchtime.

The group’s actions come three days after abortion services became legal in the state for the first time.

Minister Simon Harris has been urged bring forward exclusion zone legislation, which would protect doctors their patients from anti-abortion protesters.

This legislation would prevent the ugly scenes often seen in the United States where women and families are targeted by extremists while entering and leaving medical centres.

The Health Minister described the legalisation of termination services in the state as ‘momentous’ this week, while Archbishop Eamon Martin said that abortion remains ‘gravely wrong’.