Public meeting to discuss approval of Gort BioGas plant

Galway Daily news Public meeting to discuss approval of Gort BioGas plant
Photo Credit: Vasyatka

A public meeting will take place in Gort later today to discuss the highly controversial BioGas plant, which has been granted planning permission by An Bord Pleanála.

The Gort Bio Gas Concern Group, which has long opposed the project, is holding the public meeting to discuss the recent planning approval.

The Bord approved the plans by Sustainable Bio-Energy Limited for for the biogas plant on the outskirts of Gort, overturning the county council’s decision.

The council has twice refused approval for the BioGas plant, raising concerns about traffic hazards, that the area is not suited for industrial development of this scale, and potential environmental impacts.

The proposed biogas plant in the townlands of Ballynamantan, Kinincha and Glenbrack would be used to treat farm waste in order to produce fertiliser and energy.

However, this decision was appealed to An Bord Pleanála in 2020, which decided to grant permission for the Biogas plant subject to 22 conditions.

The project has seen heavy local opposition, with hundreds of objections submitted to the council when it was considering these applications.

The public meeting being organised by the Gort Bio Gas Concern Group will take place at Sullivan’s Hotel in Gort at 7:30pm on Wednesday.