Public meeting to discuss a vision for Galway

galway daily news a vision for galway public meeting
Galway City East Councillor Owen Hanley is hosting a public meeting on the draft City Development Plan 2023-2029 which is currently on public consultation.
The meeting will take place on Thursday, 7 April upstairs at the Mick Lally Theatre, and it will discuss public housing, the National Park City initiative, creating a 15-minute city, social inclusion, and supporting social enterprises.

Councillor Hanley said that it is vitally important that there is a vision for the economic, environmental and social future of Galway.

“We face significant challenges but we also have incredible opportunities to create better communities, develop a social economy, and plan for sustainable infrastructure,” said Cllr Hanley.

“It is against this backdrop that the draft City Development Plan must be interrogated and improved.”