Public consultation on Economic and Community future of Galway City


A public consultation period on the future economic, social, and community development of Galway City will run for the next several weeks.

The City Council is seeking public input on Local Economic & Community Plan (LECP) for Galway City, which is now being prepared.

The goal of the LECP is to set out the objectives in the economic and community development of Galway over the next six years, and what actions need to be taken to achieve them.

As part of the LECP preparation process, an Issues Paper summarising opportunities and high level goals has been drawn up.

This Paper is available online at

The public consultation on this issues paper will run until Friday, July 15, with public submissions welcome up to that closing date.

Submissions to the city council can be made through the online portal above, or by email or mail.

Email submissions should go to, with LECP included in the subject line.

Submissions can also be posted to LECP Feedback, Community Department, Galway City Council, City Hall, College Road, Galway, H91 X4K8.