Public consultation event on next Tuam Local Area Plan

Galway Daily news Public consultation event on Tuam Local Area Plan

A public consultation session for the Draft Tuam Local Area Plan will take place in the town library tomorrow.

The drop in session will be held in the foyer of Tuam Library from 2:30pm – 7:30pm on Monday, March 6.

Staff from the county council’s Forward Planning Policy unit will be present to discuss the plan with the public.

The Draft Local Area Plan along with the reports outlined above are also on public display at the library.

A public webinar to discuss the plan will also be held next week, at 6pm on Thursday, March 9. Register for the webinar online here.

Public submissions regarding the draft Tuam Local Area Plan 2023 – 2029 can be made to the county council until March 23.

Submissions can be made online at, sent by email to, or in writing to ‘Tuam Local Area Plan’, Forward Planning Section, Galway County Council, Prospect Hill, Galway, H91 H6KX.