Primary Care Centre plans for Oranmore submitted to the council

Galway Daily news No progress in Oranmore Primary Care Centre standoff

Planning permission is being sought for the construction of a new Primary Care Centre in Oranmore to provide medical care in the community.

The Primary Care Centre will consist of a part 2-storey, part 3-storey, part 4-storey building with a total floor space of 5,109.4 sqm with associated medical consulting & treatment rooms at the east end of Oranmore.

These include a GP suite, public pharmacy, public physiotherapy suite, ambulance deployment point, storage, waste disposal area and a foul pump station.

The plans include 116 surface car parking spaces along with ambulance spaces and 44 bicycle spaces; vehicles will access the centre off the Clochóg Road.

It is also proposed to carry out upgrade works at the Clochóg Road/Main Street junction in Oranmore, as well as at the junction of Main Street and the N67.

This is based on the recommendations of a Road Safety Audit at the pre-planning stage.

A letter from the HSE submitted with this application said that the aim of this project is to create a one-stop-shop for primary care services in the local area.

This will include public health, schools, and community nursing, physiotherapy, occupational and speech therapy, x-ray services, counselling, and more.

The centre will operate from 9-5 Monday to Friday, with an ambulance deployment point on site which will be accessible 24/7.

“There is currently no health centre for the Oranmore Primary Care Team, which provides care to a population of 14,282, based on the 2016 census, this includes patients living in Craughwell, Clarinbridge, Adrahan.”

“The health professionals in the teams to be accommodated are currently based in the East of Galway City and Ardrahan.”

On top of the many local health services, the centre will also be used to accommodate TUSLA services.

A Natura Impact Statement and Flood Risk Assessment were submitted with this planning application.

Public submissions related to this project can be made to the county council until May 28, and a decision on the planning application is due by June 18.