Power issues cut off water supply to Inis Meain

Galway city news Water outages in Salthill due to burst mains today

As Galway deals with ongoing power problems to due to stormy weather, residents of Inis Meain are also having to deal with water supply issues.

Irish Water has said that it is currently unable to pump new water into the supply on Inis Meain due to an island wide power outage.

The power outage which occurred as a result of current storm conditions has stopped water from being pumped to the reservoir.

The ESB is currently working on restoring power, but those repairs are currently not expected to be completed until 4pm on Wednesday.

In the meantime Irish Water is encouraging customers to conserve water by not running taps, taking showers instead of baths and refraining from using dishwashers and washing machines.

Tim O’Connor of Irish Water said The reservoir level is very low and water restrictions have been imposed to prevent us running out of water this morning.”

“Once the power is restored it will take the reservoir approximately half a day to fill to a level that can supply the network.”

Water will be supplied to the network on Inis Meain between 4pm and 8pm this evening, but will be turned off again overnight.

This is being done to conserve what limited water supply remains for tomorrow morning.

Air locking in the network might become an issue as reservoir levels drop further Tim O’Connor added.

“We understand that this is very inconvenient for people on the island and we would like to thank them for their patience and cooperation.”