Popular Galway restaurant owners seek to convert vacant building

Galway Daily news Green light for popular restaurant owners to convert vacant building

The owners of popular Galway restaurants Cava Bodega, Tartare, and Aniar are seeking planning permission for a new restaurant and guesthouse in the city.

Cava Restaurant Ltd, owned by JP McMahon and Drigin Gaffey, have submitted plans for renovations to 54 Dominick Street Lower, a vacant former bookstore.

They are seeking approval for internal alterations and a change of use from a bookstore on ground floor, and commercial use of the upper floors, to a restaurant on the ground and part of the first floor.

The remainder of the first floor, and the second floor of the building, will be converted to guest accommodation.

The development also includes plans to demolish and replace existing single and two storey extensions to the building.

Timber sliding sash windows on the upper floors are to be reinstated, and repair and upgrade works will be needed on the roof and rainwater goods.

The planning application states that finding an “economically viable function” for the protected structure will result in its “long-term maintenance and survival” instead of being left vacant.

“The reintroduction of timber sliding sash windows at the first floor level will enhance the appearance of the building both internally and from the street and will be more in keeping with the original character.”

A Conservation Report has been prepared for this application due to the fact that the building is a protected structure.

Galway City Council is due to make a decision on this planning application by February 19.