Poor Clares to host monastic event for young women interested in their way of life

galway daily news poor clare open day for future nuns poster

The Poor Clares in Galway are holding a monastic experience day on 26 August for young women who might be interested in their way of life.

The event, taking place at the Poor Clare Monastery on Nuns’ Island, is designed to help young women who may be exploring the possibility of a religious vocation to find out more about the Poor Clare way of life.

Abbess Sr. Colette said that although there may seem to be a decline in the number of people joining religious life in Ireland in recent years, they still find that many young women get in touch who are deeply interested in the things of the Spirit and wondering if they are being called to something deeper than what life currently is offering them.

The event will take place from 10am to 5pm on Saturday 26 August. Anyone wishing to book a place can email vocations@poorclares.ie