Social Democrats nominate replacement for Owen Hanley’s city council seat

Galway Daily news Soc Dems welcome co-option of Alan Curran to city council

The Social Democrats have announced that activist and teacher Alan Curran is to be co-opted to the vacant seat on Galway City Council.

The replacement candidate is being announced after Councillor Owen Hanley stepped down in January following allegations made against him.

With the announcement of the news on Twitter, Alan Curran said that he was “Apprehensive, but excited to the starting this new journey.”

Curran is the co-founder of Galway Cycle Bus, a dedicated school cycle bus serving the community of Knocknacarra.

Niall Ó Tuathail, a Galway West candidate for the party, said that Curran has had an “incredible impact as an activist”, and that the party are looking forward to seeing what he can achieve as a public representative.