Donnelly apologises to Catherine Connolly for “unf***ingbelievable” comment

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Minister for Health Stephen Donnelly has apologised to Leas Cheann Comhairle Catherine Connolly for saying “unf***ingbelievable” under his breath last week in the Dáil after being refused extra time to answer a question.

During a question and answer session last Wednesday, Donnelly demanded ‘two seconds’ to respond to a question by fellow Fianna Fáil TD Marc MacSharry.

Pointing his finger at Catherine Connolly, the Minister for Health said: “With respect a Leas-Cheann Comhairle, it will be one sentence – and I am responding.”

Catherine Connolly told the Minister for Health: “You don’t tell the Ceann Comhairle what you’re doing. The ruling from me is that we are sticking to the time.

“If you seek permission by way of exception, I might accede to that. But please, a little respect for the Chair. Not a finger-pointing exercise. I’m giving you 20 seconds to answer.

When the Minister for Health did not immediately respond to Deputy MacSharry and instead told Catherine Connolly, “you were given a lot more than 20 seconds,” the  Leas-Cheann Comhairle attempted to move on.

Donnelly asked: “Really?” and muttered “Unf***ingbelievable” before taking his seat.