Plans submitted to build new Gort National School

Galway Daily news Almost 1,000 Ukrainian pupils enrolled in Galway schools

Plans have been submitted to the county council for the construction of a completely new Gort National School.

The school’s board of management is seeking planning permission to demolish the existing school buildings on the Tubber Road, Gort.

In their place it is intended to build a new two-storey primary school, with a total floor space of 2,537m² on the site.

This will comprise 12 general classrooms, 2 S.E.N. classrooms, a hall, and ancillary accommodation.

Other works around the site related to the project will include modifications to the main entrance gate at the Tubber Road, and the St. Coleman’s Park entrance.

New footpaths will be built along the Tubber Road, including a zebra crossing, with some road realignment works.

A vehicle set-down/drop-off point will also be provided, along with parking on the school site.

A decision is due from Galway County Council on the planning application, which is currently at the pre-validation stage, by January 24.