Plans submitted for €46 million Oranmore housing development

Galway daily news Plans submitted for €46 million housing development in Oranmore

Plans are in the works for a €46 million housing development in Moneyduff and Oranmduff townlands of Oranmore.

Arlaun Limited has submitted a planing application to An Bord Pleanála for a housing development consisting of 212 homes and a creche.

The proposed development consists of 58 four-bed, semi-detached houses; 54 three-bed, semi-detached houses; 16 four-bed, detached houses; 16 three-bed, terraced units; 12 two-bed, terrced units; and 56 two-bed duplex units.

The application was made directly to An Bord Pleanála as a Strategic Housing Development, which covers developments of more than 100 units or 200 student bed spaces.

According to the developer “The proposed development will assist Galway County Council in meeting its commitment to provide for residential development and for associated support development, which will ensure the protection of existing residential amenity and will contribute to sustainable residential neighbourhoods”.

“In summary, it is submitted that the proposed development results in a development which accords fully with the proper planning and development of the area while providing an attractive, high quality, contemporary development which enhances the development of Oranmore.”

Work on the proposed development would also involve the creation of a new access road onto the North-South Oranmore Distributor Road for cars and pedestrians.

An Bord Pleanála requested further information information from the developer on the potential environmental and archaeological impact of this project, as well as a flood risk assessment.

An Archaeological Impact Assessment was prepared by consultant archaeologist Richard Crumlish and Historic Buildings Consultant Anne Carey with a conservation management plan for the site of Moneyduff Castle.

The Flood Risk assessment said that there was no risk of the project affecting nearby wetlands.

Parking at the proposed estate would come to a total of 409 spaces, more than the 393 required for a development of this size according to planning documents.

The plans also include a network of footpaths linking the estate to Oranmore town centre via the existing Cill Clocha housing estate to the north, along with parking spaces for 146 bicycles.

As housing projects above a certain size are obliged to include childcare facilities, this project also includes plans for a creche which could accommodate 58 children and 10 staff.

This case is due to be decided by An Bord Pleanála by August 6 of this year.