Plans submitted for 75MW solar farm near Creggs

Galway Daily news perovskite solar panels

Planning permission is being sought for a new solar farm near the village of Creggs in north east Galway.

The application by Elgin Energy is for a 75MW Solar PV farm on a 107.4ha site in the townlands of Cuilnacappy, Park, Moneenroe & Gortnalavey, southeast of Creggs village.

The developer is seeking a 10 year planning permission for this solar farm, which would have an operational lifespan of 40 years.

The project will involve the installation of ground mounted solar panels and frames in rows, cabling & electrical infrastructure including approximately 18 inverter stations.

Other site works will include fencing, internal access tracks, cctv cameras, and the creation or improvement of two access points onto the L2316 and a private road.

According to the planning application, the closest building to this site is a farm complex at Creggs House approximately 115m away.

A Natura Impact Statement was submitted to the council with this planning application.

A decision on whether or not to approve this solar farm development is due from the county council by September 21.