Plans submitted for 58 new houses near Tuam

Galway daily news Knocknacarra social housing

A planning application has been submitted with Galway County Council to build 58 new houses at Killaloonty outside Tuam.

Evolution Development has applied for permission to demolish the existing derelict house and outbuildings on the site, and construct a mix of duplex apartments, terraced and semi-detached houses.

The development would involved seven duplex units with 14 2-bed apartments, another 14 2-bed apartments, 22 4-bed terraced houses, and eight 3-bed semi-detached houses.

The site would have shared communal spaces and green areas with onsite and visitor parking with access from the Weir road.

According to the planning application the site is currently a greenfield site for agricultural use.

A decision on whether to grant planning permission for new houses and apartments is due from the county council in early September.