Plans progressing for Knocknacarra social housing development

Galway Daily news

Plans are progressing for the construction of a neighbourhood centre and social housing scheme in Knocknacarra.

An Bord Pleanála has removed a speedbump from Galway City Council’s social housing plans by ruling that a Natura Impact Statement is not required for the development.

The city council intends to build the social housing project on the northwest side of the city, on a 1.8ha site at Ballyburke, Knocknacarra.

The estate would consist of 13 houses and 71 apartments, along with a public plaza and neighbourhood centre.

The council prepared an Appropriate Assessment Screening Report and sought direction from An Bord Pleanála whether a further Appropriate Assessment or  NIS was needed.

The council’s position was that no significant environmental impacts would arise from the development and that it should proceed to the next phase of the planning process.

An Bord Pleanála determined that, based on the information available, the development would not impact any protected conservation areas.

Therefore a Natura Impact Statement is not required to be prepared, clearing the way for the project to proceed to the planning process.