Plans for playschool and creche next to Rosscahill primary school

Galway Daily news Fresh planning application for new Clifden playschool

A planning application is with Galway County Council for the construction of a playschool and creche in Carrowmoreknock, Rosscahill.

It’s intended that the playschool/creche be built on a site adjacent to the existing Scoil Náisiúnta Caladh na Muc in Rosscahill.

Marie Gibbons, principal teacher S.N. Caladh na Muc submitted a letter to the county council supporting the development.

She said that it be both a source of employment for the community and help local families to send their children to school in the area, rather than in Galway city, Moycullen, or further afield.

S.N Caladh na Muc has recently been extended, and Ms. Gibbons said that having nearby after school facilities would make it easier for people to enroll their children there.

The county council made a request for further information from Joseph Harris, the person behind this development, back in November.

The council asked the developer to obtain a letter of consent from the trustee/chairperson/secretary of Castleknockmore Group Water Scheme ensuring that there will be a supply of potable water for the playschool.

Galway county council is due to make a decision on whether to let this project move ahead by February 13.