Expansion of Headford Co-Op Mart in the works

Galway daily news Calls for review of ban on in-person sales at Marts

Plans have been submitted to the county council for an extension and renovations to the Headford Co-Op Mart.

Headford Co-Op Mart is seeking planning permission for the addition of a new sales ring and an extension to the existing sheds.

The Mart at Balrickard is located to the south east of Headford Village, and is accessed off the N84 next to Meadow Hill housing estate.

There is also a secondary entrance from the village square, but that is rarely used and only sees use during busy periods according to the planning application.

The existing mart consists of one sales ring with offices and associated storage areas and separate holding pens for cattle and sheep.

It is intended to construct the extension to the holding pens with “steel portal frames and infill blockwork panels” to match what is already there.

A Flood Risk report was prepared for this application by Patrick J. Newell Consulting Engineers.

It said that there is “no flood risk present at the development over and above that which would be expected at the site of any development located adjacent to a river”.

An Appropriate Assessment Screening Report was also submitted with this planning application which said that the development would not affect any conservation sites.

Submissions concerning this project can be made up until July 29, and the county council is due to make a decision by August 19.