Plans for 27m Claregalway mobile & broadband mast approved

Galway Daily news Planning refused again for Galway City mobile tower

Planning permission has been granted for a new mobile tower to improve phone and broadband coverage in Claregalway.

Vantage Towers Limited has received approval to erect the 27m high lattice tower at Cathair Ghabhann, approximately 1km northeast of the town.

The development will consist of the lattice mast, with associated antennae, dishes, and ground equipment, enclosed by security fencing.

Four submissions objecting to the plans were received by the county council, including from An Taisce and Cllr Jim Cuddy.

The objections stated that the site is within 500m of the Riveroaks estate of the N83, and that a mobile mast should not be located so close to a residential area.

Other concerns stated that the land could be used to develop community amenities such as a walkway along the river Clare, and that this would negatively affect those plans.

Multiple submissions also said that the mast would affect sightlines around the historic structures of Claregalway Abbey and Claregalway Castle.

In the planning application, Vantage Towers said that this mast is necessary as mobile network operators have been asked to vacate a rooftop location in the town centre.

Planning permission was ultimately granted by the county council with a total of nine conditions attached.