Plans for 18m mobile mast in village centre rejected

Galway Daily news An Bord Pleanala approves 18m high mobile mast in Aughrim

Galway County Council has refused planning permission for an 18m high mobile telecoms mast in the centre of Aughrim village.

Eir sought approval from the council to replace an existing 12m wooden pole at their Exchange Building in Aughrim with an 18m monopole structure.

The mast would have been fitted with antennae, dishes, and associated telecommunications equipment.

Galway County Council refused planning permission for the mast, citing its location within an established residential area, with multiple homes, community facilities, and a school in close proximity.

The council inspector’s report said that the technical justification put forward by Eir was not satisfactory, and that the council considered that there were more suitable locations elsewhere.

In its decision to refuse approval for the mobile mast, the council cited its “overbearing nature”, and close proximity to existing homes, despite being on an Eir site already in use.

“It is considered that the proposed telecommunications monopole should be located away from existing residences and that the proposed development would be a visibly obtrusive feature.”

The council said that it would seriously damage amenities, and affect the value of property in the area.