Plans submitted to build 102 homes in Ballybrit

Galway Daily news Planning appeal over 91 houses & apartments in Athenry

A planning application has been made to An Bord Pleanála for the construction of 102 new homes in Ballybrit.

Trean Meadow Limited is seeking planning permission for 102 homes, divided among 24 houses and 78 apartments, on the Ballybane More Road in Ballybrit.

The plans also include a childcare, as is required for any housing development over a certain size.

The application is being made directly to An Bord Pleanála as a Strategic Housing Development, which allows projects with over 100 residential units to apply directly to the high planning authority.

This was implemented in December 2016 in a bid to speed up the planning process for large scale housing developments.

Trean Meadow submitted their application on December 20 after the board had ruled earlier this year on whether an SHD application was appropriate.

A decision is due on this planning application from An Bord Pleanála by April 20 of 2020.