Planning refused for city centre apartment blocks

Galway Daily news Planning appeal over city centre apartment complex plans

Planning permission has been refused for a residential development of two apartments blocks in the city centre area.

Shawder Ltd sought approval for the demolition of a house and shed at 99 Upper Newcastle Road, and to build two apartment blocks on the site.

The two storey and four storey buildings would have contained a total of 10 one-bedroom apartments and 8 two-bedroom apartments.

The larger of the two buildings, Block A would contain 14 apartments, with the remaining 4 units located in the smaller Block B.

The city council refused planning permission for the development, saying that the number of one-bed units exceeded guidelines, and that the four-storey height of one building was excessive for the area.

Concerns were also raised for the scale and massing of the buildings with their close proximity to the site boundaries, and potential overshadowing of neighbouring properties.

A shortfall in car parking spaces and insufficient private amenity open space were also given as reasons for refusal.