Planning refused again for Galway City mobile tower

Galway Daily news Planning refused again for Galway City mobile tower

Plans for a new mobile and broadband telecoms tower on the west side of Galway City have been shot down again by An Bord Pleanála.

The application by Vantage Towers Ltd was for a 24m high lattice tower which would carry 6 antennae and 5 dishes for Vodafone, and another 2 antennae and a single dish for Eir and Three’s use.

The proposed tower was to be built on a site just off the Cappagh Road, north of the junction with the Western Distributor Road.

Other work involved in the project would involve the creation of a 90m access track to the site of the tower.

Galway City Council rejected the planning application back in 2022 due to the access road and the site’s proximity to the proposed N6 Galway City Ring Road route.

“If permitted, the proximity of the proposed development will prejudice the plans for the delivery of this scheme and materially contravene the policy of the Galway City Development Plan 2017 – 2023,” the council’s decision said.

In appealing that decision to An Bord Pleanála, Vantage Towers said that there is a need for this mast as another nearby tower is to be removed to make way for the Ring Road.

The appeal also stated that the access track which is cited as being in too close proximity to the Ring Road route would only be temporary, to be replaced with another access point from the north.

The developer stated that they have received the landowner’s consent to access the site from the North.

An Bord Pleanála’s inspector recommended that the development be approved subject to conditions, but the board ultimately overruled that recommendation to refuse permission.

The board’s decision stated that the alternative long-term access track comprised a material alteration to the original application and public notices.

“In deciding not to accept the Inspector’s recommendation to grant permission, the Board was not of the view that the entrance and access as originally submitted could be delivered as proposed and the alternative access and access route did not form part of the application notice.”