Planning refused again for 10-storey Galway City hotel

Galway Daily news Planning refused again for 10-storey Galway City hotel

An Bord Pleanála has blocked plans for the construction of a 10-storey hotel down by the docks in Galway City.

Summix BNM appealed to the higher planning authority after the city council rejected plans for the 174 bedroom hotel in June of 2021.

The plans were for the demolition of unused Coal Yard industrial site at the corner of Lough Atalia road and Bothar na Long, next to Forthill Cemetery.

In its place they planned to build a part three-storey, part ten-storey hotel on the narrow lot, with no plans for any parking associated with the hotel.

The three storey element of the hotel would have been the western pavilion, incorporating a bar/restaurant over the three floors.

The original plans were for an 11 storey main hotel building, with a three storey element at the western end, containing a total of 186 guest bedrooms, but one floor was removed from the plans after consultation with the council.

The appeal by Summix BNM emphasised the importance of the location with Galway City Centre, and the need for compact urban growth in relation to its scale.

It also stated that the proposal is of a similar height to the nearby Bonham Quay development, and so the location should be considered appropriate for taller buildings.

The appeal also stated that Forthill cemetery has significant value as a cultural feature, but should not inhibit development of the area.

An Bord Pleanála rejected the appeal for reasons similar to why the city council refused planning originally.

The board said that by reason of its height, massing, and proximity to Forthill cemetery, it would have a detrimental impact on the character of this heritage asset.

The proposal would therefore contravene objectives in the City Development Plan stating that new developments should not be detrimental to the character of a protected structure of archaeological site.