Planning permission sought for south Galway solar farm

Galway Daily news Planning permission sought for south Galway solar farm

Planning permission is being sought for the construction of a 125ha commercial solar farm in south Galway.

The application, by Harmony Solar Galway Ltd, is for the erection of 570,952sqm of ground mounted solar panels on a site between Kinvara and Ardrahan.

The 125ha site comprises three parcels of land in the townlands of Carrowgarriff North, Cloghboley, Drumharsna North, Drumharsna South and Killeenhugh, Keamsellagh East and Parkatleva.

There will be multiple access points as the development is spread across three parcels of land. Upgrade works are to be carried on existing access points from the L-4505 and R347, and a new access point will also be created off the R347.

The plans include a number of buffer zones due to the presence of recorded monuments and hedgerows within the site

The developer is seeking a ten year planning permission from Galway County Council, and states that the solar farm is expected to operate for a period of 40 years.