Planning Permission for Galway homes double in last quarter of 2017

Galway Daily news Galway County Council shortlisted for Excellence in Local Government Award

More than twice the number of homes in Galway were granted planning permission in the fourth quarter of last year compared with the same period in 2016

According to new figures released by the Central Statistics Office 246 homes received planning permission in Galway in the fourth quarter of 2017, over double the 122 that were granted in the final quarter of 2016.

The biggest jump was found in Galway city where the number of homes which received planning permission more than tripled from 30 to 103 units.

The number of applications granted for houses in the city rose from 24 units to 65 units, while the number of apartments grew from six units in Q4 2016 to 38 in the Q4 2017.

Growth in the county was slower where 143 homes had a planning application granted in Q4 2017, up just over 50% on the previous year.

The majority of applications granted in the county were for one-off housing developments which accounted for 126 of the 143 homes granted permission.

Overall, growth in the city remained sluggish for much of 2017 with only 37 houses and no apartments at all receiving planning permission in the first six months of last year.